
Raphaël is one of the associates and founders of Horus Networks Sàrl, and as such contributed to the development of a solar power plant that enables Hours Networks to produce all the energy required to run its servers. Horus Networks hosts websites and other services (E-mails, websites, SMS, etc). Horus Networks was the first web host in the world to offer solar hosting!

Horus Networks has always sought solutions to reduce energy consumption as much as possible. In 2001, we decided that by 2010, all our power needs would be covered by clean and renewable energies. On 6 June 2004, we switched on the first part of our photovoltaic power plant with a nominal power of 1’250 W. Since 2006 we produce 2’500 kWh per year, covering 100% of the energy requirements to run our production and backup servers.

In September 2015, Hours Networks built a new 15 kW photovoltaic power plant. Hours Networks produces then over 18,000 kWh a year!

Since then, Horus Networks has built four new photovoltaic power stations (in Bonfol, Bienne and Cortaillod) and currently produces almost 500,000 kWh/year.